Meet the Bread

24-72dpi_(c)TReich__P9A1173INDOMITUS Artisan Bread loves all manner of bread but you will typically find us baking a wide range of sourdough breads, breads featuring cheeses, and breads with fun and creative flavor combinations.

Our white flours are all unbleached.  We also use a variety of whole grains which we grind ourselves so you can have the freshest, tastiest, and most nutritious loaves. We source our organic wheat, rye, and spelt berries from high quality producers such as Central Milling  and Heartland Mill.

We mix some of our breads by hand and use our big mixer on the rest.  All loaves are hand shaped, fermented overnight, and baked on our hearth stone deck oven under billows of steam.  The result is crusty goodness you can feast on and share with friends.